(Review) Fear The Walking Dead:”Blood In The Streets”

A lot of things and major plot points were furthered in this episode of Fear The Walking Dead.

We start out with Nick washing up on shore, and covering himself in walker guts. This method is very underused in The Walking Dead, so seeing how it works is interesting.


Back on the boat, we see a few people on a raft seemingly in distress as a pregnant woman is screaming in pain, but it all turned out to be a ruse as they forcefully took control of the boat. The man that Alicia tried helping in the premiere of season 2 is part of the group which is led by a man named Connor.

We get to slowly see as our main characters try to get into the heads of the trespassers. Alicia, who is flirting and playing along with Jack, Madison who is trying to upset the pregnant woman, and Travis as he works towards “starting the boat” but was really just trying to help Daniel find a weapon of sorts.

Strand just completely abandons ship, and tries to get away on a raft, which i didn’t understand and thought was completely out of character. I guess it was just to try to get his backstory incorporated into the episode, which was a great part, but this whole raft being shot, Strand floating around in the water was weird.


The flashbacks, giving us a little background on Strand, were well done. We also find out that Strand might be gay, but as was talked about in the Talking Dead afterwards, he might not actually be gay, but trying to use Thomas.

Nick finding Strand’s friend Louis to get them into Mexico was a long journey, that wasn’t actually explained until the very end. I didn’t like not being in the know, thinking I had missed something, but it ended up making sense in the end. The whole journey was worth it with that great headshot Louis had from the raft.


Overall this episode was good. Got some good background information, some good kills, and moved the plot forward enough so it didn’t just seem like filler. It will be interesting to see where they go from here.

7/10 Joysticks



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